Mitt Romney, Republican presidential candidate and former governor of Massachusetts, speaks during a campaign stop at Stack's Restaurant in Hilton...Mitt Romney, Republican presidential candidate and former go
Television evangelist and conservative political activist Pat Robertson poses in the control room for his 700 Club TV show.Television Evangelist Pat Robertson
David Brody bows his head in group prayer at the Washington bureau of CBN, where they hold daily prayers. David is a political reporter for Christian...WASHINGTON D.C. David Brody bows his head in group prayer at the Washington bureau of CBN, where
David Brody is a political reporter for Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Robertson's 700 Club. He works in Washington D.C. On the Hill and has...WASHINGTON D.C. David Brody is a political reporter for Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat Rober
Satellite dishes outside the headquarters of CBN which televises the "700 Club."Satellite Dishes Outside of CBN Station
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club with Ben Kinchlow and Danuta Soderman in August,...Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club with Ben Kinchlow and Danuta Soderman in August,...Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club with Ben Kinchlow and Danuta Soderman in August,...Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club with Ben Kinchlow and Danuta Soderman in August,...Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club with Ben Kinchlow and Danuta Soderman in August,...Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club with Ben Kinchlow and Danuta Soderman in August,...Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club in August, 1986 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club with Ben Kinchlow and Danuta Soderman in August,...Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club in August, 1986 in Virginia Beach, Virginia.Pat Robertson
Southern Baptist minister, broadcaster and presidential hopeful Pat Robertson on set of The 700 Club with Ben Kinchlow and Danuta Soderman in August,...Pat Robertson
Francis Pat Robertson of the 700 club pauses to listen to a delegate on the floor of the Republican Convention.PHOTO BY LG Francis Pat Robertson of the 700 club pauses to listen to a delegate on the floor of the Republican Convention.
Francis Pat Robertson of the 700 club pauses to listen to a delegate on the floor of the Republican Convention.PHOTO BY LG Francis Pat Robertson of the 700 club pauses to listen to a delegate on the floor of the Republican Convention.
Jay Sekulow, the chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice , during his radio show broadcast from the Regent University Law School in...Jay Sekulow, the chief counsel for the American Center for L
Francis Pat Robertson of the 700 club pauses to listen to a delegate on the floor of the Republican Convention.Bay Area News Group Archive
Francis Pat Robertson of the 700 club pauses to listen to a delegate on the floor of the Republican Convention.Bay Area News Group Archive